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For more than 25 years the Dance & Expressions offers activities related to dance in the town of Saint-Chamas in the Bouches du Rhône. 

The association is a place of meeting and exchange.

The members of the office make every effort to make this place a friendly place of sociability where good humor reigns.

The association organizes two shows a year and also a garage sale, a tombola and a dance party. It is present a few Saturdays of the year on the market of Saint-Chamas and it participates in the Christmas market of the town.

If you want to lend a hand, occasionally participate in an event or even join the office team, you are welcome.

Do not hesitate to come to us, we will be delighted to welcome you.

The Dance & Expressions is a collegially managed association.

The team

Flavie Caumette

Stephanie Perdigao

Valerie Brunet

Marion Peultier

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