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Our dance school provides regular jazz and classical dance classes, from early childhood to adulthood in the very beautiful Espace Gérard Fortuné which has two dance halls of 120 m2 each.

It organizes shows, demonstrations, it collaborates with other associations in the town or elsewhere to create events.

She participates in regional dance competitions. It prepares students for entry into conservatories.

She receives external speakers during internships.

She works to make dance an art accessible to all in an approach of quality and requirement in order to bring to each fulfillment and self-transcendence. 

Come join us to discover the world of dance and entertainment and make friends.

HASdress of the dance hall 

Pavillon Gérard Fortuné 25 rue Victor Ferrier  13250 Saint Chamas​ 


Marie Le Badezet

State-certified Jazz teacher since 2017

She completed her vocational training  at CAFE  Danse d'Aix-en-Provence where she obtained her state diploma as a dance teacher, Jazz option.

​She completed her training in Paris at the International Dance Academy (AID). She follows a multidisciplinary training in Classical and Contemporary Dance, Graham technique, theater, singing, tap dancing, musical comedy, cabaret, French cancan.

​She continues to train by participating in various internships in France and abroad with Patrick VALERO, Alain GRUTTADAURIA, Anna SANCHEZ, André CHAUSSARD.

His dance mixes power and fluidity.

Celine Granier                                                               

She studied dance in Marseille at the Studio Ballet with Colette Armand with whom she worked as an assistant for 3 years from 1978 to 1981.

She completes this training with many meetings with renowned teachers (Arlette Castanier, Rosella Hightower, Rudy Brians, Violette Verdy)

In 1992 she obtained the exemption from obtaining the diploma in respect of her experience.

She is committed to teaching the academicism of classical dance and she is interested in contemporary creations  from which she draws other approaches to the body and space.

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